Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Gas Tax, Metro Fares May Increase

MoCo exec Ike Leggett says Maryland should jack up the gas tax to pay for road and transit projects, the Washington Post reports. Ike's proposal pops up as Metro considers increased fares and reduced bus and rail service, the Post writes.

The state's gas tax currently sits at 23.5 cents per gallon, higher than taxes in the District and Virginia, according to the Post. In the past month, area gas prices have risen by 12 cents per gallon, the Washington Times says.

At the same time, Metro ridership has flattened out, contrary to previous predictions of a 2 to 3 percent increase. Metro is required to hold public meetings before jacking up fares, the Post writes.

Governor-elect Martin O'Malley, however, still supports development of the Purple Line and completion of the $2.4 billion Intercounty Connector, says the Post.

"Leggett Repeats Call for Gas Tax Increase" (Washington Post)
"Metro Considers Increasing Rail Fares" (Washington Post)
"Gas Prices Fail to Siphon Holiday Spending" (Washington Times)


Anonymous said...

Its about time they raise the gas tax. We desparately need the revenue to build roads to accomodate the growth.

Plus, Al Gore was right. The higher price of gas will urge more people to ride metro and stop moving so far away from city centers.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Its about time they raise the gas tax. We desparately need the revenue to build roads to accomodate the growth.

Plus, Al Gore was right. The higher price of gas will urge more people to ride metro and stop moving so far away from city centers.

3:58 PM

RE: Your absolutely wrong about the gas tax urging more people to use metro especially when Metro is spiking the fares, expensive parking garages, reduction of bus routes, subway/bus service, and un-reliable bus scheduling especially in PG County.

Anonymous said...

The gas tax increase should pay for transportation projects - Purple Line, CCT, etc. - NOT more roads. Exactly WHERE would any roads be built anyway in the bottom half of the county? We cannot continue to think the solution to our traffic problems is adding roads - we are far past capacity.

As to the metro fare increase - it is irresponsible budgeting and state of VA not paying their fair share that need to be corrected - stop punishing loyal riders with yearly increases and start looking at long-term answers.